Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy NYC Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy NYC Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Personalized BHRT Treatments in Manhattan NY 10019

Contact Dr. Cohen

Hormones send signals to almost every part of your body and control your mood, growth, and even your hair. Bioidentical hormones are man-made. They are created so your body uses them in the same manner your body uses its own hormones. Dr. Cohen has been able to use Bioidentical hormones successfully for people who suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Personalized BHRT Treatments in Manhattan NY 10019

Hormones send signals to almost every part of your body and control your mood, growth, and even your hair. Bioidentical hormones are man-made yet identical to what our body's produce. They are created so your body uses them in the same manner your body uses its own hormones. Dr. Cohen has been able to use Bioidentical hormones successfully for people who suffer from hormonal imbalances.

Contact Dr. Cohen

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are plant-based substances that undergo processing, so they match natural human hormones. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) has the same purpose as traditional hormone therapy. It simply offers an alternative for those concerned about the potential health complications when using traditional prescription hormones.

Who is a Therapy Candidate?

Hormone levels naturally decline in everyone regardless of their health or healthy lifestyle. Naturally, the levels peak in the 20s and early 30s and begin to decline by age 40. It is possible for women to feel the effects of declining hormone levels even before perimenopause begins. Illness, surgeries, and some diseases can cause hormone levels to drop sooner and more abruptly.

BHRT may also offer benefits for those with conditions other than a concern in dropping hormone levels. The treatment could provide improvement for those experiencing side effects from some cancer treatments. Therapy may also provide some relief to those with conditions like fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and thyroid disorders.

What are the Symptoms?

Many of the effects of declining hormones can go unnoticed. The issues are those that people often experience when stressed, overtired, or when too busy to eat right or practice enough self-care. Consider talking to a doctor if traditional remedies like changing a diet, getting more sleep, or a new exercise regimen fails to improve the situation. Common signs of a potential hormonal decline may include the following concerns.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD Personalized BHRT Treatments in Manhattan NY 10019
  • Irregular menstrual cycles or cycles cease entirely
  • An overall thinning of the hair on the head and body
  • Vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Weight gain, often in the abdominal area, without changes to exercise and diet
  • Muscle aches and weakness without explanation
  • Chronic fatigue or a noticeable decline in energy levels
  • Night sweats begin, or hot flashes become regular
  • Memory loss and a lack of concentration become severe enough to cause frustration
  • Anxiety and depression may begin or worsen in those with existing conditions
  • Mood changes become more unpredictable, and PMS symptoms worsen
  • Skin becomes dry regardless of skin care regimens, and acne develops on the face and body
  • Insomnia or other sleep disturbances become a chronic concern

How are they Administered?

One of the most notable benefits of BHRT is that patients have options regarding how they use their supplements. The bioidentical hormones come in pills, lotions, gels, spray, patches, pellets or injections. The variety of application methods makes it possible to find a solution that works the easiest and fastest for everyone. The bioidentical hormones are custom compounded for each patient. The attention to the specific needs of each patient ensures that everyone gains the most from their treatment.

Always Visit a Doctor!

Bioidentical hormones are sold online through numerous sellers. The prices and availability may make these offers seem ideal, but there are risks. Consumers that shop online will have no way to monitor their hormone levels. Treatment without any monitoring makes it impossible to know how the product affects the body. Online sellers are not always legitimate, so the buyer can only hope they receive the product promised.

Any medication or natural supplement can have side effects. Even with carefully compounded bioidentical hormones, a patient may not react as expected to the formula or receive the help needed. Regular medical monitoring allows the patient to discuss the concerns with their doctor and to have testing to see if the improvements in hormone levels match expectations. It is common for people to need their prescriptions adjusted over time as they age, as the BHRT begins to work, or as health and fitness levels change.

Temporary side effects also develop in many people as their hormone levels rise. Some side effects are a normal part of the treatment. Without professional oversight, it is impossible to determine if the symptoms are therapy-related or another medical issue. Some possible and temporary side effects from a rising hormone level include:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Headaches
  • Cramping
  • Spotting and light bleeding
  • Increased facial hair
  • Bloating

How Diagnosis Occurs

During an appointment, the patient should relate to the doctor the changes they have experienced. Mention all symptoms, even those that do not seem typical for hormonal changes. The doctor will also review the patient's medical history and discuss family medical history. Tests will begin once the doctor feels there are reasons to suspect the problems may relate to lowered hormone levels.

Hormone testing is relatively easy compared to other types of screenings. Dr. Cohen may choose to test the saliva, blood, or urine. Patients will not need to fast before the testing. However, some medications can interfere with the testing, so always inform the doctor if taking any over-the-counter drugs, prescription medications, or supplements.

How Long is the Therapy?

Experts recommend patients begin therapy when their symptoms start to affect their quality of life. Once hormone levels rise and the individual feels like themselves again, Dr. Cohen may lower the dosage gradually to wean the patient from the prescription. Patients may need to make lifestyle changes to help their bodies remain strong and healthy. The changes should begin while the BHRT takes place and continue once it ends.

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for BHRT Treatments

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for BHRT Treatments

Dr. Cohen has a long and successful history treating patients with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Depending on your exact diagnosis, this therapy may be a part of an overall holistic treatment plan designed to correct multiple health challenges.

Please contact Dr. Cohen today!

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