Adrenal Fatigue Treatments NY by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Adrenal Fatigue in Manhattan NY 10019

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Adrenal Fatigue Treatments NY by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Adrenal Fatigue in Manhattan NY 10019

Fatigue, poor sleep, and food craving are issues people may not realize are symptoms of a more complex health condition. Muddling through the day while feeling unwell can affect the quality of life. Traditional doctors do not always offer solutions for these problems, and medical testing may not detect the cause of the ailment. However, it is possible to get help if people understand the common cause of these issues.

Contact Dr. Cohen

Fatigue, poor sleep, and food craving are issues people may not realize are symptoms of a more complex health condition. Muddling through the day while feeling unwell can affect the quality of life. Traditional doctors do not always offer solutions for these problems, and medical testing may not detect the cause of the ailment. However, it is possible to get help if people understand the common cause of these issues.

The Role of the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are found on top of the kidneys and produce the hormones that keep people healthy. The glands correct the hormonal balance in the body for a regulated metabolism and an effective immune system. They also control blood pressure, help people to respond to stress correctly, and stabilize the sleep cycle. Regulating salt and sugar in the body and controlling how the body uses fat and protein also depends on healthy adrenal glands.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands become overworked from producing too many fight-or-flight stress hormones. Stress causes the body to produce extra hormones like epinephrine and cortisol. These events are usually short-term and do not cause damage. If the body consistently has exposure to extreme stress, the glands must continue to overwork. Eventually, they become distressed and less efficient.

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Woman with Brain Fog seeking Adrenal Fatigue Treatments NY by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

The Common Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Many people with adrenal fatigue notice the constant fatigue that does not get better with adequate sleep. Fatigue isn't just feeling tired. Some people complain of feeling mentally drained or lethargic, even if they are not tired enough to fall asleep. This symptom is also knows as brain fog.

Some people may experience sleep disturbances, but many will not have any change in their sleep schedule.

Other possible symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include:

  • Nervousness
  • Digestive issues
  • Difficulty waking
  • Brain fog
  • Lack of motivation
  • Salt cravings
  • Sugar cravings
  • Inflammation

The Common Causes of Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue can begin without warning or explanation. It often starts after an individual undergoes a severe and extended period of stress. The types of stress that commonly causes the ailment can include severe financial or work-related concerns or emotional pain like the death of a loved one.


Other causes include extended periods of illness. Infectious illnesses like bronchitis or pneumonia can put a lot of stress on the adrenal glands. Once the body heals from the initial ailment, the individual may still feel unwell despite the assurance from their medical providers that they are back in good health. The fatigue and general malaise may continue without improvement. People may continue to sleep more or become inactive to counter the fatigue but have no relief.


Who is at Risk of Adrenal Fatigue?


Anyone can develop adrenal fatigue. Dr. Dana Cohen has patients of all ages, genders, and lifestyles who experience this problem. The people at risk the most include those who constantly remain under stress due to their work or lifestyle. People who do not process or manage stress effectively may also develop adrenal fatigue.


Unhealthy lifestyles that include alcohol or drug use, poor diet, and sleep deprivation can increase the possibility of adrenal fatigue. Anyone who experiences an illness that lasts much longer than expected without any explanation may have developed this health problem.


How Traditional Medicine Treats Adrenal Fatigue


The mainstream medical community acknowledges and treats adrenal insufficiency. Sadly the same doctors ignore adrenal fatigue. The problem lies in the inability to diagnose the problem accurately and consistently with standard laboratory tests. Traditional medicine often requires test results before beginning treatment. Adrenal fatigue symptoms will worsen, and the quality of life suffers without help.

Standard Process Adrenal Desiccated

Adrenal Desiccated

Adrenal Desiccated supports endocrine health. The adrenal glands are important in the body’s natural response to stress and energy metabolism.

  • Provides powerful short-term adrenal support for immediate energy needs
  • Supports immune system function during times of increased demand

Also Consider

How is Adrenal Fatigue Treated?

Adrenal fatigue treatments from Dr. Dana Cohen can help the adrenal glands to recover and return to functioning as expected. The body will immediately begin to feel better once the glands work correctly. Dr. Cohen may identify the ailment through the symptoms or request testing to rule out other conditions before a diagnosis.

Consistent monitoring allows her to adapt the treatment to meet the needs of individual patients, everyone since people respond to treatment in different ways. The solutions to repair adrenal fatigue often counteract the problems that led to the illness. Here are some general guidelines. Your patient treatment may vary significantly based on your condition.


  • Patients must improve their diet and eliminate fast food, alcohol, and illicit drugs.
  • Eliminate added sugar and caffeine from the diet.
  • Consume a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Begin an exercise program and continue to remain active.
  • Spend time practicing stress reduction techniques like meditation or yoga.
  • Create a daily routine that incorporates an established bedtime for more regulated sleep.
  • Frequently used supplements include Magnesium, Vitamins B5, B6, and B12, among others.
  • Supplement the diet with cortisol-balancing herbs like Rhodiola and Ashwagandha.

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for Your Adrenal Fatigue Treatment Plan. Natural Remedies for Adrenal Fatigue in Manhattan NY 10019

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for Your Adrenal Fatigue Treatment Plan

Adrenal fatigue can make it challenging to live a complete and happy life. Treatment for the ailment can give people back the energy they once had. It is not an imagined illness or the result of not sleeping enough.

Dr Dana Cohen works with patients to ensure they get what they need to balance their bodies and feel like themselves again. Contact the office today to schedule a consultation to determine if your health concerns are from adrenal fatigue.

Please contact Dr. Cohen today!

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