Sleep Disorder Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Sleep Disorder Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Excessive Snoring, Sleep paralysis, Sleepwalking, and Oversleeping in Manhattan NY 10019

Contact Dr. Cohen

Sleep Disorder Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Excessive Snoring, Sleep Paralysis, Sleepwalking, and Oversleeping in Manhattan NY 10019

Sleep disorders are problems with sleeping, including trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, sleeping too long or abnormal behaviors during sleep.

Contact Dr. Cohen

Sleep disorders are problems with sleeping, including trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, sleeping too long or abnormal behaviors during sleep.

The Importance of Adequate Sleep

Sleep is not only refreshing and enjoyable after a busy day, but a health necessity. The body uses this quiet time to restore itself and build natural immunity. As people sleep, their brain function improves. The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours for healthy adults. The needs can increase or decrease during health issues, pregnancy, or at different ages.

Researchers have connected a lengthy list of potential health complications to the lack of sleep. The problems can affect nearly every facet of life. Cognitive issues begin with sleeplessness. People may feel excessive brain fog, lack concentration, and have memory loss. Emotional issues like anxiety and depression can develop or worsen in those with existing problems.

The immune system can suffer, and people may become more susceptible to viruses and other illnesses. Researchers have repeatedly found a link between the lack of sleep and heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes. The most immediate effects of exhaustion that can create serious complications are poor motor skills and the inability to remain focused on specific tasks. For the average person, this lack of attention could mean vehicle accidents from distracted driving, accidents at work, or a slip and fall.

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Common Symptoms of Sleep Disorders

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep apnea
  • Excessive snoring
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Sleepwalking
  • Oversleeping
Experienced Sleep Disorder Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD. Proven Natural Remedies for Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, and More in Manhattan NY 10019

Insomnia Treatments

Chronic insomnia occurs when an individual cannot fall asleep or repeatedly struggles to stay asleep. Clinically it is a problem that lasts for at least three months and happens three or more nights a week. Anyone can experience chronic insomnia, but it is more prevalent in those with irregular sleep patterns, health problems, or when under stress. Other issues like chronic pain or excessive drug or alcohol use may contribute to the condition. Dr. Cohen offers natural treatments that can help end chronic insomnia.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Some people complain of exhaustion even after a night's sleep. Anyone with this complaint should undergo testing for a potentially dangerous condition called sleep apnea. There are three types of sleep apnea, but all can cause breathing to stop and restart throughout the night. Loud snoring is another symptom of sleep apnea, so take the complaints seriously from others about the noise. Natural treatments for sleep disorders can provide an effective solution to make deep sleep possible again. Dr. Dana Cohen offers proven answers for most sleep apnea cases.

Treatments for Excessive Snoring

Treatments for Excessive Snoring

People that snore may feel the issue is a problem for everyone else rather than themselves. Snorers, however, often experience a lower quality of sleep than those who do not snore. Excess weight, sleep apnea, and sinus problems are just some of the reasons why people snore. To find a solution that ends the problem of excessive snoring, it is often necessary to seek professional medical care. The natural treatments offered by Dr. Cohen can help make bedtime much more peaceful.

Oversleeping Treatments

Oversleeping Treatments

Oversleeping is when healthy adults spend more than 9 hours a night sleeping. The need for more sleep can occur when people have been deprived of adequate rest for a few days or when they fall ill. Chronic oversleeping is different, and it is a condition known as hypersomnia. People that experience this condition regularly oversleep but remain exhausted during the day.

Many sleep disorders and health issues can contribute. Hypersomnia can also increase the risk of health problems. Dr. Cohen can make a diagnosis of hypersomnia and provide natural solutions to treat the condition.

Drowsy driving, as it is called, is as dangerous as drunk driving. The CDC states that being awake for at least 24 hours is like driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.10%. Drunk driving in most states is defined as a BAC lower than that amount. Many people will not remain awake 24 hours straight repeatedly but sleeping only 3-4 hours each night can have the same cumulative effect.

Adequate sleep offers health benefits, but it also makes life more enjoyable. People that get the rest they need are more likely to have a stronger sex drive. Fertility increases in both men and women when they sleep enough. Less moodiness and better overall health are the results of sleeping well. Natural treatments for sleep disorders can help those who have tried and failed to get the sleep they need.

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD Regarding Treatment Options for Your Severe and Chronic Sleep Disorders

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD Regarding Treatment Options for Your Severe and Chronic Sleep Disorders

Dr. Cohen feels that the traditional medical approach to sleep disorders, sleeping pills, is not a good solution for her patients suffering from this condition. Instead, Dr. Cohen performs an exhaustive physical and lifestyle evaluation on her patients, in addition to a blood test that establishes the patient’s hormone and nutrient levels

Once these baseline levels are determined, Dr. Cohen works together with the patient to craft a specialized treatment plan that may include supplemental neurotransmitters precursors, intravenous nutrients, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and behavioral sleep coaching. Some of Dr. Cohen’s patients have also found relief from their sleep disorders through acupuncture and meditation.

Let's get started, please contact Dr. Cohen today!

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